Water quality pH measurement standard:
One of the most important indicators of water quality is its pH. The pH ratio ranges from 0 to 14, which measures the acid or alkali quality of water. A pH of 7 is neutral, and readings below 7 are acidic. Readings higher than 7 are alkaline or basic values. pH also affects the supply of basic phytonutrients, and many nutrients are less available when the pH is higher than 7. Water quality PH sensor, the sensor of water quality to detect the PH of water quality, can effectively detect the PH value of water quality
PH in various water quality:
pH and drinking water, there is no legally enforceable standard for the pH level of drinking water. However, it is recommended that the pH of drinking water is between 6.5 and 8.5. Since metals are easily dissolved in acidic water, dissolved metals may be present in drinking water with a low pH. Metals such as iron, manganese, copper, and lead can seep into drinking water from pipelines or local aquifers. In acidic water, iron can cause metallic odors and red stains on clothes and pipes. Other metals such as lead are toxic. Alkaline or “hard” water contains excessive amounts of calcium and other minerals, resulting in the familiar scaly deposits on cookware and the bitter taste of coffee.
pH and groundwater. Groundwater flows through rocks and soil and affects the pH of the water. For example, contact with sandstone will result in an almost neutral pH between 6.5 and 7.5. On the other hand, limestone can cause an alkaline pH of 8.5. The soil contains minerals and other substances that affect the pH of groundwater. The decay of organic matter in the soil causes the pH of the groundwater to drop to 4.0. This pH level is much lower than the recommended drinking water pH of 6.5 to 7.5. Pollution caused by this kind can also affect the pH of groundwater. For example, runoff from shale and coal mines contains iron sulfide, which can cause pH readings as low as 2.
Water quality pH detector:
Scientists use a sensor of water quality such as a water pH detector to monitor the pH level in the water. The water test uses a relatively small portable water quality ph tester for on-site testing. The pH electrode measures the acidity of the water sample, while the reference electrode is immersed in a liquid with a fixed acidity. After comparing the reading of the pH electrode with the reading of the reference electrode, the meter converts the voltage to a pH value.
The pH meter provides more accurate readings than the test strip kit and prevents the confusion associated with having to use a dropper. Calibration before testing the water sample can ensure that the pH meter provides accurate readings and test results.