Hydrogen (H2) is a flammable and explosive gas that can’t be seen, smelled or smelt. Hydrogen release and leakage may be involved in the production, manufacturing, transportation and storage of various related industries.
If again encounter spark and oxygen combustion, there may be an explosion. Serious will endanger the safety of life and property. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the concentration of hydrogen in various related industries. And the core of monitoring and detection is H2 sensor.
Hydrogen sensor introduction and application:
H2 sensor can be divided into electrochemical principle, electrical principle, optical principle, etc.
Differ Different principles are integrated into all kinds of gas detection equipment according to different detection environment and requirements. Play an important role in hydrogen alarm and hydrogen early warning. The main application industries involved are as follows:

1) Mining industry
Mining industry is the mining of coal, minerals, crude oil, natural gas and other naturally occurring minerals. In the mining process, due to the complex underground situation, it increases the probability of the occurrence of hydrogen, methane, carbon monoxide and other gases endangering people’s life safety, and even explosion.
Therefore, hydrogen sensor, methane sensor, carbon monoxide sensor and so on have become indispensable gas sensor components in mining operations.
2) In the iron and steel metallurgy industry
In the iron and steel metallurgy industry, there will be an important step in the production and production process, which is the distillation in the coke oven.
The purpose of dry distillation is to remove sulfur, nitrogen and other impurities in coal, so that the refining process to obtain a higher calorific value. But the distillation process releases a lot of hydrogen and carbon monoxide. So it’s the application of H2 sensors.
3) In the natural gas industry
In the natural gas industry, hydrogen, methane, carbon monoxide, oxygen and other parameters need to be monitored in the process of exploitation, storage and transmission, so as to reduce the occurrence of accidents.
Taking transmission as an example, natural gas is transmitted through pipelines. In this process, pressure stations are set every few kilometers, and the monitoring of gas leakage in pressure stations is one of the important safety precautions.
4) In the new energy vehicle industry
In the new energy vehicle industry, hydrogen is obviously very environmentally friendly as a clean energy source for vehicles, because the only emission substance of cars equipped with hydrogen fuel cell pack and electric motor is water, which is basically pollution-free.
But the problem is that hydrogen is a flammable and explosive gas, so it is necessary to configure a hydrogen sensor with fast response and high precision for the possible hydrogen leakage, as the core of alarm and linkage control.
Of course, the application of H2 sensor is far more than these, such as chemical industry, gas industry, medical industry, food industry, military and national defense, etc., are involved in different degrees of application.
And the pace of research and innovation of hydrogen sensor is also constantly advancing, for more people in the production of engineering may encounter explosion, fire and other emergencies in a timely warning, escort.