an instrument used to measure rainfall


The agrometeorological station is the foundation of agrometeorological operations, services and scientific research. The science that studies the relationship between agricultural production and meteorological conditions and their laws. It is an important branch of applied meteorology in meteorology. The an instrument used to measure rainfall purpose of agro-meteorological station observation is to focus on the development and modernization of agriculture. Constantly recognize and solve the meteorological problems in production. Propose meteorological conditions and measures to promote agricultural production. The agricultural weather station system is gradually realizing automation, telemetry and precision. Observed data is suitable for experimental research on various statistical models and dynamic models of crops, weather and soil. The relationship between crop growth and yield and meteorological conditions, etc.

an instrument used to measure rainfall
an instrument used to measure rainfall
System composition:

A conventional small field weather station includes: 3 or 4 soil moisture temperature sensors to monitor the soil moisture and soil temperature of the 3 or 4 layers. 1 soil pH sensor: measure the pH of the soil. 1 soil salinity sensor (conductivity): measure the salinity of the soil. 1 wind speed sensor: measure the wind speed in the field. 1 wind direction sensor: measure the wind direction in the field. 1 air temperature, humidity and pressure sensor: measure air temperature, air humidity, and atmospheric pressure. One solar radiation sensor: measure the intensity of light. 1 rain gauge: measure the size of the rain. Telemetry terminal RTU (4G communication mode): Collect data from all sensors on site. And preliminarily judge whether the meteorological parameters are within the normal range. If it is abnormal, an alarm message will be sent to the center. Pole: used to install all equipment on site.

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