In the greenhouse environment. Temperature and humidity are very important climatic conditions. Too high or low temperature and humidity are not conducive to the growth of crops. Meteorological stations can continuously monitor and collect information on agro-meteorological environmental factors such as soil, moisture, light, and heat that are closely related to vegetation and crop growth. It can comprehensively monitor the growth status of crops and the environment of the greenhouse. Keep abreast of the growth of crops in the greenhouse in time. When crops grow restricted due to climatic conditions. Farmers can respond quickly. Take emergency precautions. Therefore, it is very necessary to use a portable weather station to monitor items such as ambient temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, rainfall and air pressure.

From so many practical applications. The portable weather station has a great effect on farmland, greenhouses and greenhouses. It can continuously monitor and collect information on agro-meteorological environmental factors such as soil, moisture, light, heat, etc., which are closely related to vegetation and crop growth. It can comprehensively monitor the growth status of crops and soil moisture in farmland. Keep abreast of field growth in time. When Daetian grows restricted due to these factors. Users can react quickly. Take emergency precautions. The function of agrometeorological station to monitor meteorological elements is mainly realized by sensors. For example, there are wind speed sensors for wind speed, and temperature sensors for temperature monitoring. Each meteorological element is sensed by the corresponding sensor. Data collected by sensors. Then it is transmitted by the collector.
The monitoring results are transmitted to the background through wired or wireless transmission. Users can see the data information intuitively through the background. Farmers do not need to be on duty in the greenhouse. The meteorological conditions and environmental conditions in the greenhouse can be learned remotely. Improved work efficiency. Reduce the useless operation. Combined with the actual landscape measurement and LED display. Adopt an open and friendly design concept. The user can change the coordination of elements and modules by himself. It can quickly realize the change and expansion of data collection and processing methods and observation elements. It can provide great help for the environmental regulation in the greenhouse. volume_upcontent_copyshare