Traditional methods for detecting soil moisture
The soil water sensor is urgently needed to learn the soil moisture content. Scientific, comprehensive and accurate numerical information. Soil moisture represents the physical quantity of the degree of soil dryness and wetness in a certain depth of soil, and is also called soil moisture content. As long as people calculate the moisture content of the soil, it is equivalent to knowing the soil moisture. In the past, when people observed profiles in the field, they distinguished the degree of soil moisture, generally measured by dry, slightly moist, moist, damp, and wet. Try it by hand, it is dry with a noticeable cooling sensation. Slightly cool without feeling moist to slightly moist.
Obviously wet, can be pressed into various shapes without wet marks. When squeezed by hand, there is no water leaching out, and there are wet marks as damp. Squeeze it with your hands, and the water will appear wet. This method of distinguishing soil temperature and humidity based on the senses is very unscientific. When people are engaged in water-saving irrigation, greenhouses, flower cultivation, fruit and vegetable planting, pasture management, pasture maintenance, geological prospecting, scientific experiments and other activities. The soil water sensor is urgently needed to learn the soil moisture content. Scientific, comprehensive and accurate numerical information.
Introduction to Soil Moisture Sensor
In order to scientifically observe and monitor the soil, people have carried out many experiments and explorations, and invented a series of sensors for detecting soil. The soil water sensor has advantages: compact design, easy to carry, simple installation, operation and maintenance. The exterior is encapsulated with pure epoxy resin, with good airtightness. It can be directly buried in the soil and used without corrosion. The response speed is fast and the data transmission efficiency is high to ensure normal operation. The soil quality is less affected, and the application area is wide. At present, moisture sensors have been used in many types of products, such as moisture monitors, field microclimate observation stations, etc.